EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and reprocessing. This means that we can take a phobia or trauma and desensitize using side to side eye movement, which will change your emotional attachment.
Regarded as an interactive psychotherapy, it's classed as a talking therapy but with EMDR there isn't much talking involved.
It helps people deal with emotional distress associated with a disturbing life event. Clients are helped to process past events and present triggers developing future patterns of response. The key to EMDR is the use of bi-lateral stimulation (BLS) moving your focus side to side helps you integrate material into normal memories.
Unprocessed memories can bring about negative behaviours, thoughts and feelings, which as we know can impact your life in the present and effect day to day living.
Applications for EMDR include:
Past events - Trauma - Accidents - Illness/dignosis of illness
Present/futre responses - resolve present triggers to past events.
Develop self confidence + strengthen ego.
Address anticipatory anxiety.
EMDR can also be used to turn negative to positive - Beliefs - Emotions - sensations
What to expect
At the start of your session I will talk to you about the process and about the different kinds of BLS and which one suits you best, all that will be asked of you, is to be able to hold an reprsentational image and feeling about the issue you want to deal with in your mind, when holding on to both feeling + image. We will use a scoring system of 0 -10 (10 being really bad) to determin how strong you feel about your issue, then using BLS 16 - 20 reputitions ,we will then check your score with the goal of reaching 1 or below. If your score remains high we will use hypnosis to find the block. (under hypnosis would not require info on your issue, and you would not tell me anything you don't want me to know)
Depending on your issue would depend how many sessions you would need.
Our blocks in our present, that stem from our past , hold us back from a great future!
​ *Sessions can go over an hour so allow for extra
*some traumas may need more than one session sessions are £65.00